Sunrise and Sunset in 3 hours

There are not many countries in the world where you can live this kind of experience. Waking up at nine when it is still pitch-black outside, seeing the sun show up at 11:30 and kissing it goodbye three hours later is a surprisingly unforgettable event. In most European countries, the night starts to fall a bit sooner in winter, but it is definitely not comparable to the rhythm of the days in Lapland. Let us tell you about this beautiful -and short- day.

The magic of Lapland

It is unbelievable to watch a sunrise and a sunset in between 3 hours only. If you do not come from a northern country, it is a real adventure itself. You end up feeling lucky to be at the right moment at the right place. This magical moment makes you feel like you received a gift from Nature that you will never forget.

When in Finland, you will realise that Lapland has a lot to offer; nature is changing all the time and there is always a new scenery to discover. Finnish people are used to saying that Lapland has 7 seasons: we can visit Lapland during the polar nights, the midnight sun or in between, but in each case the spectacle is amazing. Such adventures are priceless.

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